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Grants & Programs

Innovations to Improve Quality of Life The mission of the TTIA program is to commercialize technology that will improve the quality of life for people with Down Syndrome and other…

About Down Syndrome

In 1958, following advances in genetic research, the British scientist Pat Jacobs and French scientist Jérôme Lejeune discovered the syndrome’s chromosomal cause. This is when DS started being recognized as…

MIT & Alana Statement

The progress achieved over the past few decades has been astounding. For example, we have developed artificial intelligence and created sustainable and efficient energy alternatives. We have also taken significant…

ADSC Fellows

Research Fellows Cristina Blanco Duque, Alana Fellow Dr. Blanco joined the Tsai lab to study the interactions of Down syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, and sleep. The Tsai lab has previously shown…

Mapping the brain at high resolution

The new technology combines a method for expanding brain tissue, making it possible to image at higher resolution, with a rapid 3-D microscopy technique known as lattice light-sheet microscopy. In…

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