The Alana Center Presents: The New England Down Syndrome Symposium

Symposium Nov. 10 features a day of presentations on the latest research
Li-Huei Tsai stands at an MIT podium with the Alana Center logo in the background

On November 10, 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m., join us for a series of stimulating talks addressing some of the latest research in New England and beyond.

This event will be held online. Registration is free but required. Click here to register.

If you have registered, click here to view the symposium.

A poster for the New England Down Syndrome Symposium showing speaker names and logos of the organizers

This event was co-organized by The Alana Down Syndrome Center, The Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress and The Lumind IDSC Foundation


8:45 – 9:00am Introduction (featuring remarks from Kate Barlett, MDSC Self-Advocate Advisory Council)

Session 1: Developmental biology

9:00 – 9:40am Elizabeth Fisher (keynote), University College London : Working with mouse models to understand Down syndrome

9:40 – 10:05am Laurie Boyer, MIT, Getting to the Heart of Down Syndrome

10:05 -10:30am Tarik Haydar, Center for Neuroscience Research, Children’s National Hospital, Variation in phenotypic presentation of mouse models of Down syndrome, findings and implications

10:30 -10:55am Lindy Barrett, Broad Institute, MIT and Harvard, Probing molecular convergence between Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome

10:55 – 11:10am Break

Session 2: Alzheimer’s Disease in Down Syndrome – Recent Advances

11:10 -11:35am Diana Rosas, Massachusetts General Hospital Neurology

11:35am – 12:00pm Stephanie Santoro Massachusetts General Hospital Down Syndrome Program, LIFE-DSR study and assessment scales for AD in DS

12:00 -12:25pm Li-Huei Tsai and Diane Chan, Alana Down Syndrome Center at MIT, Leveraging Brain Rhythms As A Therapeutic Intervention For Alzheimer’s Disease

12:25 – 12:45pm Tribute to Angelika Amon (featuring remarks from Li-Huei Tsai, Claudia Moreira, Manolis Kellis, Laurie Boyer, Brian Skotko, Ed Boyden, and Emily Niederst)

12:45 – 1:30pm Lunch

Session 3: Dosage compensation/aneuploidy

1:30 -2:10pm Jeannie Lee (keynote), Harvard Medical School, Manipulating X-chromosome dosage to treat human disorders

2:10 – 2:35pm Stefan Pinter , University of Connecticut, Trisomy 21 silencing: Towards a dynamic in vitro model of Down Syndrome

2:35 – 3:00pm Mitzi Kuroda, Harvard Medical School , X chromosome dosage compensation in Drosophila

3:00 – 3:15pm Break

Session 4: Sleep Apnea in Down Syndrome

3:15 – 3:40pm Daniel Combs, University of Arizona, Medications for Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children with Down Syndrome

3:40 – 4:05pm Christopher Hartnick, Harvard Medical School, HGN Implant for Severe Sleep Apnea: Where are we now?

4:05 pm Closing Remarks and Angelika Amon Tribute Video

Tsai lab webinar at Mass Down Syndrome Congress

3 members of ADSC to give webinar for virtual Annual Conference
A young man gestures while holding a microphone and speaking

Translating Down Syndrome Neuroscience Research

Tuesday, July 28, 2020 10-11am EST

As people with Down syndrome age, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) increases significantly. The Tsai Lab discovered that by boosting gamma power, we could reverse AD related pathology and improve memory in mouse models of AD & DS. We developed a device that boosts gamma power in people using light and sound to improve memory in AD patients and individuals with Ds. In addition, the lab is using human pluripotent stem cells to generate the different types of cells in the brain, to study the mechanisms of how Trisomy 21 has such a large impact on brain function.

This webinar will not be recorded, so please plan to join live.

Diane Chan, MD PhD, Neurologist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Massachusetts General Hospital; Brennan Jackson, BS, Doctoral Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Hiruy Meharena, PhD, Alana Senior Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Logos for MDSC and MIT


Down Syndrome symposium presents bench-to-bedside research

First annual symposium brings together local Down Syndrome research community
Angelika Amon speaks at a podium
ADSC co-director Angelika Amon speaks about her work

At its first ever symposium Nov. 6, the Alana Down Syndrome Center demonstrated ways, from the scale of chromosomes to that of caregiving communities, that scientists and physicians in Massachusetts and around the country are working to help people with Down syndrome live their healthiest, fullest lives.

Founded at MIT in March 2019, the ADSC brings together neuroscience, biology, engineering and computer science research labs together with the Desphande Center for Technological Innovation to deepen knowledge about Down syndrome and to improve health, autonomy and inclusion of people with the genetic condition characterized by an extra copy of chromosome 21.

The symposium, “Translational Research in Down Syndrome,” brought together experts working across a spectrum of fundamental biology to clinical care.  In her opening remarks, ADSC co-director Li-Huei Tsai, Picower Professor of Neuroscience and director of The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory, said the event represented a chance for conversation and collaboration among researchers with the common goal of helping people with Down syndrome.

“Informed and inspired by their remarks we can all engage today in learning from each other,” she said. Tsai also thanked Ana Lucia Villela, whose Alana Foundation gift established the center and who had returned to MIT from Brazil to attend the symposium.

‘Aneuploidy’ advances

Throughout the afternoon, speakers shared some of their latest insights into how “aneuploidy,” having an atypical number of chromosomes, alters the biology of cells, the body and the brain.

One consequence appears to be that with an extra chromosome, cells make too many copies of the protein subunits that the chromosome encodes. Normally these subunits would become bound with partners encoded elsewhere into larger protein complexes, said ADSC Co-Director Angelika Amon, Kathleen and Curtis Marble Professor of Cancer Research in MIT’s biology department and the Koch Center for Integrative Cancer Research. But there aren’t as many of those partners, so the excess, unbound proteins become prone to clumping together, creating a major clean-up job for the cells that causes ”proteotoxic” stress. In Down syndrome, she said, that stress can hinder growth and proper function. Aneuploidy, she added, might also lead to a greater incidence of DNA damage.

Professors Reeves, Espinosa, Torres, Amon & Tsai pose for the camera
Professors Reeves, Espinosa, Torres, Amon & Tsai enjoy the meeting

Former Amon lab postdoc Eduardo Torres, who is now at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, said his lab has found that aneuploidy also disrupts the very shape and structure of the nucleus in a variety of cells, making them more sensitive to mechanical stress. The lab looked deeper to find the genetic and molecular pathway responsible and identified one related to the lipid composition of the nucleus. That insight allowed them to discover that administering certain drugs to cells with aneuploidy of chromosome 21 (or 13 or 18) can help shore up the nuclear structure and help cells grow.

To gain more insight into how aneuploidy affects neurological development many scientists have begun using techniques to grow brain cells from stem cells derived from Down syndrome patients. They can manipulate these cultures in the lab so that the only genetic difference is the extra copy of chromosome 21. Jeanne Lawrence, also of UMass, said use of such advanced models will help her understand whether a technique her lab has developed to silence extra copies of a chromosome will be effective in cells such as those in the brain or blood. Her work shows promise for a potential gene therapy to mitigate the effects of the extra copy of chromosome 21.

Another vital model of Down syndrome is the mouse. In one of the day’s two keynote addresses, Roger Reeves of the McKusick-Nathans Institute for Genetic Medicine at Johns Hopkins University described what researchers have learned from the widely used T65dn mouse model, as well as what they hope to learn from a newly developed model, that uses human chromosome 21 genes to replicate chromosome duplication. He also described their studies of the developmental anomalies in Down syndrome model mouse brains, and have found that a crucial signaling pathway for development is less responsive in these mice. He reported the results of a screen to look for the specific contributors this pathway in DS, as they may be viable targets for drug development, and his lab has also identified some of these same genes to be involved in congenital heart defects.

Clinical care

In the symposium’s other keynote, Joaquin Espinosa of the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome at the University of Colorado, discussed how a fast-emerging raft of insights including discoveries about the immune system in Down syndrome has led to a new clinical trial. Fundamental research at the institute has found that patients with Down syndrome have an increased sensitivity to interferons, proteins emitted by immune cells as they fight infections. The research led scientists to test medicines to calm the immune system. He described their current work on a clinical trial that aims to investigate a drug, Xeljanz, already used for auto-immune disease, to see if the drug not only improves autoimmune skin diseases, but possibly a wider range of symptoms associated with Down syndrome.

Another clinical trial is getting underway at Boston Children’s Hospital, said Nicole Baumer, a researcher there who said there are real opportunities for interventions to improve cognition in Down syndrome patients, but who also cautioned that researchers must always consult patients and their caregivers about what they want from clinical trials and care, rather than assuming what’s best for them. After surveying to learn more about patient and family wishes, her group has designed a study in which they will try to predict the neurodevelopmental outcomes in babies with Down syndrome, and test whether behavioral therapy interventions designed for certain autism populations might also augment intellectual development in children with Down syndrome.

Dr. Brian Skotko presents a new program from his clinic

As researchers strive in the lab and clinic to make new discoveries and improve care, Brian Skotko of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School has also been considering how to ensure that state-of-the-art information reaches doctors and family caregivers everywhere it’s needed. Skotko noted that among approximately 212,000 people with Down syndrome in the United States, less than five percent have access to one of the 71 specialty clinics around the country like the one he directs at MGH. Instead, they typically depend on primary care physicians. That’s why he and a diverse team have spent the last two years developing an Internet-based platform, “Down Syndrome Clinic to You (DSC2U)” in which a physician or other caregiver can enter information about a patient and learn richly linked, expert-curated information and recommendations about medical care and wellness customized for the entered patient profile. The clinical team at MGH reviews the underlying database regularly to keep it up to date. With new data showing that the system positively influences care and has been valued by users, it’s ready for a wider launch next year, he said.

Taken together, the symposium talks illustrated many routes to potential progress, from the cell to the clinic.

ADSC researchers at Society for Neuroscience 2019

ADSC lab members will present exciting neuroscience findings at the 2019 conference in Chicago
Hiruy Meharena, wearing a conference visitor badge, stands in front of a scientific poster

Special Lecture by ADSC co-Director Dr. Li-Huei Tsai

“Leveraging Brain Rhythms as a Therapeutic Intervention for Neurodegenerative Diseases”

Session 443: Oct 22, 12 – 1:10pm, Hall B


Oct 20:

Hiruy Meharena Tsai lab
Altered 3D-Genome Architecture of Neural Progenitor Cells as a Consequence of Down Syndrome
 Session 113.26 8 AM- 12 PM

Oct 21:

Y.-T. Lin Tsai lab
Engineered human cerebral organoids as a model for studying Down Syndrome
Session 278.19 8 AM- 12 PM

Oct 22:

C. Addaikkan Tsai lab
Identifying neural circuits underlying visually evoked entrainment
 Session 577.08 1 PM- 5 PM
A. Payne Boyden lab
 Genome-wide in situ sequencing
Session 611.05 1 PM- 5 PM
A. Sinha Boyden lab
Targeted and untargeted in situ sequencing in thick, physically magnified brain tissue
Session 611.06 1 PM- 5 PM

Oct 23:

E.R. Lockshin Tsai lab
Glial cell dysfunction as a result of 3D genome architecture changes in risomy-21 iPSC and ts65DN mouse models
Session 729.08 1 PM- 5 PM
B. Jackson Tsai & Boyden labs
Extended gamma sensory stimulation in cognitively normal individuals
Session 771.06 1 PM- 5 PM
D. Sarkar Boyden lab
Iterative direct expansion microscopy
Session 794.08 1 PM- 5 PM

Register to attend our first Down Syndrome Symposium!

Sign up now to join us Nov 6, 2019 at MIT
Flower Drawing

The ADSC at MIT welcomes you to our first annual Down Syndrome symposium, Translational Research in Down Syndrome.

Event will be live streamed:

Wednesday, November 6

1:00 – 6:00pm

MIT Building 46

43 Vassar St, 46-3002

3rd Floor, Singleton Auditorium

Keynote speakers:

Roger Reeves, McKusick-Nathans Institute for Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University

Joaquin Espinosa, Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, University of Colorado

Additional Speakers:

Angelika Amon, MIT, Alana Down Syndrome Center

Nicole Baumer, Boston Children’s Hospital

Jeanne Lawrence, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Brian Skotko, Massachusetts General Hospital

Eduardo Torres, University of Massachusetts Medical School

MIT Catalyst course on Down Syndrome this fall

Catalyst: Innovating for Mission Impact recruiting participants from Greater Boston
A young man with Down syndrome works in a cafe

Interested in research and innovation for healthcare impact?

APPLY by Sept 8th at
MORE INFORMATION at Catalyst MIT linQ 2019 or at

Using the Catalyst methodology for innovating for impact, a multidisciplinary
and multi-sector team of faculty mentors will guide
participants through a structured process to consider real-world needs,
plausible solutions, and viable action plans to develop proposals that, if
successful, will lead to a clear and specific benefit

This Fall 2019 cohort will focus on Down Syndrome to produce research
and technology that give people with disabilities the possibility of
developing greater social and practical skills and improving their quality
of life in order to enhance their participation in the educational system,
in the workforce, and in community life.

Save the Date: Down syndrome research symposium Nov. 6th

Inaugural meeting will bring together local clinical and basic scientists studying Down Syndrome
Street view of MIT Building 46

Translational Research in Down Syndrome
1-6 pm November 6, 2019
Building 46 (43 Vassar St), MIT

We are excited to host our first DS research symposium!
The afternoon features talks by five Boston area researchers and clinicians, plus two keynote lectures, from Roger Reeves, Professor of Physiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and principle investigator of the Down Syndrome Cognition Project, and Joaquin Espinosa, Professor of Pharmacology at University of Colorado Denver and Director of the Linda Crnic Institute for Down syndrome.
More details to follow!

ADSC researchers present at the T21RS conference

Come see our work at the international Down Syndrome meeting
T21 Research Society, Barcelona 6-9 June, 2019

The biennial Trisomy 21 Research Society International Conference is the premier scientific meeting for Down syndrome research, attracting basic and clinical scientists and practitioners from around the world. Four researchers from the ADSC will be presenting their work at this conference. If you are attending in Barcelona, please come visit us!

Friday, June 7, 12 pm

  • Talk, Dr. Hiruy Meharena (Tsai lab): “Consequences of trisomy 21 on the epigenome of different iPSC-derived cell types of the brain”

Friday, June 7, 4-6pm 

  • Poster, John Replogle (Amon lab): “A CRISPR Screen to Identify Mutations that Relieve the Slow Growth of Trisomy 21 Cells “

    Poster #: PO107

Saturday June 8, 8:30 am 

  • Plenary Lecture, Dr. Li-Huei Tsai: “Alzheimer’s disease mechanisms and therapeutics”

    (also, come meet her at the “Meet the Experts” session at 7 pm)

Sunday, June 9, 11 am 

  • Short Talk, Becca Silberman (Amon lab): “Using Single-Cell Sequencing to Assess DNA Damage in Trisomy 21 Blood”

    (or, visit her poster PO106 on Friday, 4-6 pm)

Full conference details can be found here: